What’s New in WooCommerce 8.8?

An In-Depth Look into the Latest E-Commerce Revolution

WooCommerce 8.8, scheduled for release on April 9, 2024, marks a significant advancement in eCommerce technology. It will seamlessly integrate with WordPress 6.5, which will launch on April 2nd.

This version stands out as it introduces many updates without needing a database change. For those eager to explore its capabilities, WooCommerce 8.8 Beta is currently available, offering a glimpse into what promises to be an eCommerce revolution. Users can download WooCommerce from WordPress.org and use the WooCommerce Beta Tester plugin to acquaint themselves with the latest version of WooCommerce before the official release.

Reflecting on the past, WooCommerce 8.4 demonstrated stability with no reported performance issues, unlike its successors, WooCommerce versions 8.5 and 8.6, which encountered challenges with the new Order Attribution feature. 

With this in mind, users looking forward to the WooCommerce update are recommended to create a backup and test the new release on a staging site to mitigate potential complications. This cautious yet optimistic approach underscores the importance of staying current with WooCommerce GitHub developments and highlights the anticipation surrounding WooCommerce 8.8 as a pivotal step forward in ecommerce technology.

Key Features and Enhancements in WooCommerce 8.8

WooCommerce 8.8 introduces new features designed to revolutionise the eCommerce experience for merchants and customers. 

Among the most notable updates include:

Personalisation and Efficiency Enhancements:

  1. A new ‘Post-purchase note’ field in the Product Editor allows merchants to add custom notes to order confirmation emails, personalising the shopping experience.
  2. Enhanced number formatting for Campaign Cost and Sales ensures clearer financial tracking and reporting.
  3. Adding a totalValue filter and more flexible product attribute selection offers improved product management and categorisation.

User Interface and Experience Improvements:

  1. A redesigned Product Editor header and the capability to add custom product types to the Add Products onboarding task list enhance the product management process.
  2. Improvements to the local pickup flow and automatic Legacy REST API Plugin installation streamline operations and integration.
  3. New checkout components, including Cart, Checkout, and Order Confirmation blocks, become the default for new installations, offering a modern and intuitive checkout journey.

Extensibility and Customisation Options:

  1. ‘Customises Your Store’, a new feature, empowers users to design their stores without writing code. It leverages the Astra theme and its starter templates plugin for customising cart and checkout pages.
  2. The product onboarding list and product tour are now extended, and block notice templates are allowed in classic themes, offering greater flexibility in-store design and functionality.

These updates aim to enhance the WooCommerce platform’s usability, customisation, and efficiency, making WooCommerce 8.8 a pivotal update in the eCommerce technology landscape.

Customise Your Store – A Deep Dive

WooCommerce 8.8 introduces “Customise Your Store,” a revolutionary feature designed to empower merchants to design their store’s look without the need for coding knowledge. This feature is accessible directly from the WooCommerce dashboard and offers a user-friendly interface for customisation.

Key aspects of the “Customise Your Store” feature include:

  1. Pattern Assembler Tool: This tool guides users through the customisation process, enabling the addition, deletion, or replacement of site elements like logos, colour palettes, fonts, and designs for Headers, Homepages, and Footers.
  1. Theme Compatibility: Initially compatible with the Twenty Twenty-Four theme, discussions are ongoing about extending compatibility and interaction possibilities for theme developers, enhancing flexibility and choice for merchants.
  1. Advanced Customisation Options: Merchants can add custom CSS to their designs, ensuring that they can achieve a unique look and feel for their online store even without coding skills. Back up and testing changes in a staging environment, especially when switching themes, is recommended to preserve customisations.

This focus on customisation and user-friendliness underscores WooCommerce’s commitment to providing merchants with tools that enhance their store’s design and functionality, making eCommerce more accessible and tailored to individual needs.

Developer Insights and Compatibility

In the latest WooCommerce 8.8 update, significant strides have been made to enhance developer experience and ensure compatibility across various setups and plugins. Key bug fixes and improvements include:

Bug Fixes:

  1. Resolution of an issue where object data became inconsistent or lost when utilising the ‘/cart/extensions’ endpoint.
  2. Correction of a critical error triggered by certain shipping configurations in specific store setups.

Plugin Enhancements and Tutorials:

  1. The Funnel Kit plugin for Elementor introduced two new widgets, a checkout form widget and a mini cart widget, offering customisation options under the content and style tabs.
  1. A step-by-step guide on replacing the default WooCommerce checkout page with an optimised version using the Cart Flows plugin and Elementor, enhancing the checkout process.
  1. The Cadence Shopkit plugin extension for WooCommerce adds 15 modules, enriching eCommerce experiences on WordPress websites with additional functionalities.

These updates and WooCommerce Monorepo’s comprehensive development tools ensure that WooCommerce 8.8 remains at the forefront of eCommerce technology, offering seamless integration for developers, themes, and plugins alike.

Improved User Experience and Interface Updates

In the realm of WooCommerce 8.8, the focus on improving user experience and interface is evident through several significant updates:

Performance Enhancements:

  1. Editor Improvements: The Cart and Checkout blocks have received performance improvements, making the editing process smoother and more efficient for merchants.
  2. Alignment Fixes: Issues with the mini-cart alignment in the editor have been resolved, ensuring a visually cohesive design.
  3. Migration Tool: An effortless migration tool is now available, facilitating the upgrade of existing stores’ checkout experiences seamlessly.

Checkout and Cart Innovations:

  1. Modern Checkout Design: The new checkout page sports a clean and minimal design, likely to boost conversions by simplifying the purchasing process.
  2. Express Checkout: Integration of the Checkout Plugins Stripe for WooCommerce plugin introduces an express checkout button, streamlining the completion of purchases.
  3. Cart Abandonment Recovery: The WooCommerce Cart Abandonment and Recovery plugin aids in recapturing lost sales by sending follow-up emails to remind customers of their incomplete purchases.

Additional User Experience Updates:

  1. Mobile App Onboarding: The mobile app onboarding process has been enhanced with QR code-based installation, eliminating the need for Jetpack setup on non-Jetpack sites.
  2. Post-purchase Communication: A new “Post-purchase note” field allows merchants to add custom messages to order confirmation emails, personalising the customer experience.
  3. Theme Flexibility: Block notice templates are now usable in classic themes, providing theme developers more avenues to customise the user notice experience.

These updates collectively aim to streamline the operational efficiency of WooCommerce stores while enhancing the shopping experience for customers.

Extensibility and Customisation

In the landscape of WooCommerce 8.8, extensibility and customisation are at the forefront, offering merchants unprecedented control over their online storefronts. The introduction of plugins and tools such as Cadence Shopkit and the Advanced Product Fields for WooCommerce (APF) plugin significantly expands the possibilities for customising product pages and enhancing the shopping experience:

  1. Custom Product Page Design: With Cadence Shopkit, users can craft custom product pages, layouts, and even specific product page layouts, providing a tailored experience that stands out from the competition.
  1. Advanced Product Options: The APF plugin introduces a wide array of customisable product options, including checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown menus, and file upload functionality. It also offers 16 input field types, conditional logic, advanced pricing structures, and custom fields, allowing for a highly personalised product offering.

Furthermore, the Cart Flows plugin addresses a critical challenge in eCommerce — cart abandonment. By replacing the default WooCommerce checkout page with a conversion-optimised layout, merchants can significantly reduce the approximately 70% drop-off rate experienced on checkout pages. The plugin offers various layout options, such as modern checkout designs and customisable elements like form style and payment sections, providing a streamlined and appealing checkout process:

  1. Optimised Checkout Layouts: Choose from modern checkout, modern one column, or modern two columns, enabling a design that best fits your store’s aesthetic.
  1. Dynamic Checkout Features: Incorporate dynamic offers, order bumps, and other advanced features to enhance the checkout experience and boost conversions.

These advancements underscore WooCommerce 8.8’s commitment to delivering a platform that not only meets the current demands of eCommerce but also anticipates future needs, providing merchants with the tools to create engaging, efficient, and customisable online stores.


The advent of WooCommerce 8.8 heralds a transformative phase in eCommerce. It encapsulates an array of features and enhancements aimed at elevating both the merchant and customer experience. 

By integrating profound personalisation capabilities, extensive customisation options, and an array of user interface and experience improvements, this update positions itself as a cornerstone for future eCommerce innovation.

The focus on extensibility, leveraging plugins like Cadence Shopkit and the Advanced Product Fields, further underscores WooCommerce’s commitment to providing a versatile and user-centered platform. 

These features collectively make WooCommerce 8.8 an update and a significant leap forward in the eCommerce domain.

Navigating through the spectrum of enhancements, from the “Customise Your Store” feature to the optimised checkout layouts and advanced product options, it’s evident that WooCommerce 8.8 is crafted to cater to the evolving demands of online merchants and shoppers alike. 

Encouraging users to explore these functionalities before its official launch offers a glimpse into the future of eCommerce, one where flexibility and user engagement are paramount.

As the WooCommerce community anticipates its release, the significance of this update extends beyond just technical improvements, marking a pivotal moment for merchants aiming to redefine the eCommerce experience for their customers.

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